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What is your purpose?

During one of my regular "Getting to know My Team" Meet & Greets, I ask a series of questions to understand what keeps them motivated and inspired to come in to work so that I can support them through their life journey (Work being one small aspect). One of those questions is: "What is your purpose?" ... followed by a long pause.

Some will answer my family, relationship, "to be successful", make money to pay bills and the list goes on.

You would also be surprised to hear that there are a plethora of individuals who are still attempting to figure this simple question out and unable to answer it to this day.

Why is that?

Couple of thoughts:

I have learned that we become creatures of habit (institutionalized), where we focus on completing what we are told - without questioning the reason behind it (The "Why"). We are born - we do what our parents tell us - we go to school to do what our teachers teach us - we are to graduate to obtain a good job - we establish our careers -date people to eventually marry them - have kids, and the cycle continues. As children we ask "Why" from a very young age ... but this too eventually subsides as they begin to go through our various community institutions.

We are in a world of go-go-go, do-do-do and rest is for when we die. I am one of them, as I have a need of always wanting to feel "productive". It wasn't until I began to learn further around strengthening my leadership skills and a Mentor asking me to "Sit Back, Enjoy the Moment .... and go look at some clouds to see what message they tell you." Clouds? The last time I looked at clouds was when I was a kid!

My main advise when I speak to my team around "What is your purpose?" is that we must first understand the why we are doing certain things, what keeps us motivated to be, and what is the impact/difference that you want to make in this world.

If you understand your purpose in life, you will have a solid foundation when you are faced with things that challenge you, cause you pain or feelings of doubt.

If you are a leader who supports a team, ask this question (After you set the stage), and just pause. Let them talk, and you listen. If they are unable to answer, share with them what your purpose is and the journey it took you to get there. Vulnerable conversation ha? Yes it is!

If you are an individual who is lost and unsure of what you seek - Ask yourself this question, and write it down ... whatever comes to your mind. Share it with someone you trust and just have an organic conversation.

It may be uncomfortable to share with someone what you have learned about yourself, but it will be invigorating. :)

Carpe Diem!

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Location: Phoenix, AZ


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